We provide Face2Face and Online Training
Continuing to help people with various goals improve movement for performance in sport & a pain-free life
Provides the opportunity for immediate feed back & correction to help you learn the changes quicker, as opposed to following a video or FB “Live” class. Screen sharing mode provides the facility for screen shots & drawing of correction, ensuring the camera is on me to allow me to demo certain movements.

Guiding you to correct camera positioning in order that we can measure & compare the body. We can Performing tests to work on posture and technique. Using props to massage, mobilise then exercises to stabilise & strengthen. We can use the software to screenshot, point out areas of concern, then screenshot again & compare.

The great thing is we don’t need masses of equipment. We can work on your technique & exercise really well in your own home. For years men & women exercised with just bodyweight, one has to question if we actually need equipment. If we want more challenge I am sure we can find things around the garden.

As a Biomechanics Coach, I cross the gap between physio & exercise. The rehabilitation portion has been working really well, with the ability for massive attention to detail. My camera stays put & you don’t move your mat around much so it is easy to compare your technique as we progress through the session. Taking a screenshot when you begin & then one later through the session, the angle remains the same & so comparison becomes obvious.

- Way more time-efficient for you
- No more frustration from traffic and car parks in order to get oneself to a session on time.
- Still get the same attention to detail, if not more because I am looking at your technique all the time.
Online classes allow flexibility so that many people can join in. The timetable has evolved to accommodate as many of our client’s other commitments as possible and so it is often changing and is flexible to the majority, please email me if there are difficulties in attending a class that you are keen to do and we can look to making changes in the future.

Definite benefits: 3D visual, ability to touch, ability to demo.
The main difference, when we are live in the same room, is we watch you move around, arrive, put your bag down, so we can see when you slip back into your old ways of moving. This is less obvious with online training due to the small angle of vision. It is easier to demonstrate when we are in each others company as well.
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